Monday, January 31, 2011

The Inaugural Blog

So, you want to be a man, do you? That’s good.
     However, this blog comes with a WARNING!!! If you want a professorial approach with lots of research, you're in the wrong place. I'm betting you aren't reading this because you NEED an exact definition on "How To Be A MAN." The truth is: there really isn't one exact definition anyways, but everybody knows a "real" man when they see one. It's a feeling you get. 
     What I offer is a view, or perhaps a little perspective that comes with imagery that I've created. If you're like most people who read blogs, you're looking for a little truth, or something to ignite your imagination in a way that validates what you already believe to be true in your soul. That's all.
     Here's the thing... Read some blog entries. Look at the artwork and photos. Decide for yourself, or make copies for your friends and discuss the ideas with them. Repeat every few days.
     If you're on this blog for a little idea that could change the way you see men, I think you'll find it. Enjoy yourself.
Douglas Day

1 comment:

  1. Edgy! I like it. I look forward to reading your upcoming comments on being a real man.
