Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Hand Shake

I met some men at an elevator the other day. It was all very business-like. One man extended his hand. "Hi, Doug. Nice to meet you." I put my hand out and replied, "The pleasure is all mine." We shook hands...
     After experiencing the world's most lackluster handshake ever recorded, it occurred to me that there's a right way and a wrong way to shake hands. Never extend a limp, cold-fish hand. That's the worst. Almost as annoying is the kung fu, hand-of-death grip that some men put into practice. It's trying too hard to impress.
     Here's the proper hand shake etiquette. Always make eye contact with the person you're greeting. That's very important. The handshake should be steady and firm. One pump should do. Then let your hand go.

1 comment:

  1. As a teacher of student success classes at the community college, I teach this to my students as well.
    When applying for a job, it is important to shake the employers hand just as you described. It can make the difference between getting that job or not.
