Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How Are The Men Doing?

You're better than you think. You're better than what society believes. In business, you're better than what your co-workers or your boss believes. You're much better than what the marketers think of you and your influence, that's for certain.
     I am betting on the future of men and their climb to the top again.
     Yes, I said again...
     The statistics are not so good at the moment for the men. They only make up 43% of college undergraduates and master's degree students. 70% of special needs children in school are boys. Girls are taking over the standardized testing in the kindergarten through 12 system.
     According to the hard evidence, there seems to be a current gender discrepancy involving society's perceptions of young men. And what's the cause of this? Studies show that new state and federal testing policies, curriculum changes, school climate and psychological differences are some of the factors.
     Whatever the case, turning this male perception around is going to take some new thinking. A new male model is needed. One that inspires. Men are going to have to be more innovative and smarter in order to compete. Whether it's building a business, growing an organization or selling an idea... men need to be encouraged to do it their own way. With new methods and creativity. There should be a reward for coloring outside the lines. That is the new male model. One where you're better than you think...

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh yes, the future of men...I am betting on it too!
    Being the feminist mother of 2 teenage sons, the prospect is very near and to my heart. I believe the topic is for many women..Everything in your blog makes sense. Men have been losing ground and this is heartbreaking for all of us to see.
    As a budding feminist in the 70's, I was looking for equality, not climbing to the top at the expense of my fellow boys or men.
    I think it's important for all of us to take this topic seriously as it is.
    Being the idealistic feminist I still am, I look for the day when we can share the top together..
    I'm not sure that day is quite there yet for women and based on the research, I do see the loss of ground that boys and men have endured and that distresses me a great deal as well.
